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A Journey of Renewal: Embracing 2024 with a Transformed Mindset

Greetings Beloved

I hope you well and in good health under the grace of the Lord almighty, if not then receive healing in the name of Jesus Christ of Narezeth who is our Lord and savior.

Reflection on 2023: A year of challenge and triumphs

Let’s reflect back to 2023 a bit for the last time- How was the year for you? Were you living in your answered prayer era but not really happy or content. Were you on the soldier’s list where you had to fight (spiritually or physically) to get things done? Was it a year of confusion for you where you were just going with the flow? How many mental and emotional breakdowns did you have? Did the late night sleep and hard work finally pay off and are you happy with the results? How was your relationship with God throughout the year? Would you say that you were obedient or you were working on it? How many times did you fall back to sin? Would you like 2024 to be the same as 2023 or better?

Setting the Scene for 2024: A Mindset Shift

Today is the 5th of January 2024 and you are probably asking yourself what 2024 is bringing to the table and how this year will unfold. Well, I got you, lemme tell you how your 2024 will look like. 2024 will be the same as 2023 and other previous years if you don’t change your mindset and habits. If you want 2024 to be better then you have to be a better you. We always post “new year, new me” in the first week of January but do we really understand what it means? Do we really understand the phrase ‘new me’? I don’t think we totally get it. If you think you do, then what have you done differently in your daily routine these past few days as it is a new year? What habits are you working on and have you considered changing your mindset?Mmmh, It seems like it's a new year but the same you.

Breaking the Chains of 2023: Carrying Positivity into 2024

It pains me to break this down for you but if you don’t change then you will be carrying all the depression, anxiety, bad stress and time management including all the unwanted bad habits of 2023 into 2024. This will be like wearing new clothes without showering or wearing new shoes with dirty socks. I’m sure by now you get what I’m trying to say, change is needed for you to be a new you? One could ask, how can changing my mindset change what the year brings? Lemme simplify this for you, a mindset is a belief that orients the way we handle situations and helps us spot opportunities, changing your mindset changes the way you see and handle situations. Your mindset determines who you are, just as scripture says “as he thinks in his heart, so is he”, so basically you are what you think. For instance if you have a negative mindset then you will handle everything negatively and miss opportunities resulting in a boring negative life. A negative mind won’t take you anywhere and you won’t appreciate all that God has done for you.

Do you really want that this year? All those mental breakdowns just because you feel like God is far from you and doesn’t hear your prayer because you disappointed Him? We don’t need all this negativity in 2024. This is the year where we rise to our so-called offices and destinies. A year where we rise to worship Him in truth and in spirit. A year filled with love, joy, positivity, prosperity, success, cars, houses, jobs and most importantly God. This is a year where we rise as children of God to work on our relationship with Him, putting Him first in everything and understanding the depth of His love for us. This is a year of the manifestation of God in our life through everything. Everything we touch this year shall turn into gold. God’s glory and presence will be seen through us. We filling every room we find ourselves in with the holy spirit and we shall shine and be the salt of this tasteless world. We can only accomplish all of this with Jesus Christ.

Mindset Makeover: A Container for Abundance

Mindset is like a container waiting to receive oil. If your container is small, you will receive small oil but if your container is large then you will receive a lot of oil. 2 Peter 1:3 shows that through the knowledge of God we are able to receive everything that  pertains to life and godliness meaning that our mindset and knowledge of God unlocks certain things in life- just because you don’t know that God is a healer doesn’t mean that He’s not. We are conquerors, victorious, perfect and loved thru Jesus Christ. We are extraordinary because we caring someone extraordinary in us. HOW DARE YOU CHOOSE TO BE BASIC??? Don’t ever think your smallness (less knowledge of God) is the reflection of God’s inability. He’s able all day every day.

Invitation to Change: Accepting Jesus for a Clean Slate

If you have read this far and are not saved (have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior) then this section is for you. As you know you cannot be the new you with the same mindset and habits- basically you need to start everything on a clean slate and I can’t think of a better way to start the year on a clean slate either then accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior because we are all made new in Him. His blood cleanses us of all our sins and His love endures forever. God loves you despite of your sins, negativity and mindset. He loves you so much that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus Christ) to die for you so that you shall not perish but have eternal life ( John 3:16). All you have to do is repent, change your old ways of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, because of the forgiveness of your sins; you will receive the gift of the Holy spirit (Acts 2:38). The holy spirit is but limited to being a helper, navigator, comforter, advocate, intercessor, counselor, strengthener and standby. This is best decision one could ever take in life. Being a child of God comes with love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control (Galatians 5:22-23) and Christ’s mind (Philippians 2:5).

For the Saved: Walking Seriously with God

As for those who are saved already, it's time you take your walk with God seriously.In Galatians 5:25, Apostle Paul says that if we claim to live by the spirit, we must also walk by the spirit- with personal integrity, godly character, and moral courage empowered by the holy spirit. Many believers are saved but cannot move past the gate of salvation because their mindset doesn't allow for God to use them the way He intends to. Renewal of one's mindset helps to think like Christ. We should learn to ask God to renew our mind daily so that we can understand His will for us (1 Corinthians 2:16).

Renewal of the Mind: Beyond Limitations

Your mind can go to places where your body doesn’t qualify. Let us then expand our mindset beyond limitations of strongholds, background, culture or anything holding us back to being the fullest manifestation/ expression of who God intends each one of us to be. As this transformative journey concludes, remember: the canvas of 2024 is painted with the hues of your renewed mindset and the promises of a purposeful future.

You got this, remember you are God’s Beloved and Godbacked!!!


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